
The Medical Weight Loss Revolution

If you are interested in learning more about your options, book a consultation at Evolved Medical, a practice at the forefront of these innovative treatments. At our location in Walnut Creek, near Oakland, Dr. Amit Rajguru can introduce you to these FDA-approved injections and how they can transform your health […]

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Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women

Book An Appointment Contents1 Hormone Therapy For Women1.1 Hormone Therapy Programs1.2 Female Hormone Replacement Therapy2 Benefits3 FAQ Hormone Therapy For Women Hormone Therapy Programs Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Bioidentical hormones are exactly similar to the hormones created by your body. They will recharge and revive your imperativeness more adequately than manufactured […]

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Want To Feel 10 Years Younger? Start With Peptide Therapy In Walnut Creek!

Peptide Therapy

Want to feel and look a decade younger? Start with peptide therapy treatments that are customized to your lifestyle! Peptide therapy is an innovative, advancing treatment in regenerative medicine that uses your biological molecules to help you feel stronger and younger through optimized enhancement strategies. Different peptides have varying benefits, […]

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Feeling Anxious? BHRT Treatments Can Help You Feel Like Yourself Again!

BHRT Treatments

Evolved Medical is a medical center that helps men and women boost their energy and feel healthier again through hormone replacement therapy, PRP, and other treatments. Our certified and experienced team will help you feel less anxious by incorporating advanced hormone replacement techniques to regulate your body.  High levels of anxiety can […]

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Menopausal Hormone Therapy

Menopausal Hormone Therapy

Menopausal Hormone Therapy functions by returning hormone levels, such as those of estrogen and progesterone, back to normal. This treatment plan has been shown to reduce hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and loss of bone density. Improving these symptoms can lead to an overall better quality of life. Our individualized […]

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